A glorious sunshine filled day set the stage for a wonderful day of golf, camaraderie and a successful event all in all. Much fun was had by all and we cant wait for next year.
Congratulations to the 2nd runner up Darren Leach, 2nd runner up Garth Henrickse and the winner Wayde Wayde Hendrickse.
Thank you to all the golfers for their support. A special thanks to Mark Sharpe for his assistance and sponsorship from Everon Cleaning Services Limited for sponsoring the braai . To all the kind and generous folk for sponsoring the trophies and prizes you are all so appreciated and To Team C.A.T ( Community Action Trust) for all your hard work " Together we are stronger"...

See you all at the C.A.T Jamboree at Towcester Rugby Club on the 29th August (Bank Holiday Sunday starts at 12.00 noon).