Our next stop after Honde Valley was Zororai Old Age Home in Mutare . I don't know about you but Mutare always appears to move at such a gentle pace. Meeting with team CAT Mutare leader Miranda Farera was such a joy. Her passion for what she does is tangible and her team are as dedicated as she is.
Zororai Old Age home must have once been a wonderful sanctuary . Small glimpses of a time gone by could still be visible in the residents lounge (Now used for chickens) Which is great. We are all about sustainability . The new administrator has also introduced rabbit farming. He is just amazing. (Wish we could clone him) He has stock sheets and accounts that absolutely check out with the stock in the storeroom. He knows his residents and their needs. He is a volunteer and has totally transformed the place. It does need a great deal of TLC but so do all the homes we visited . Most need more than TENDER LOVE! (Some administrators did not even know their residents names at some of the homes we visited ) Surely you can remember 12 names? So sad! Our fave gogo was so happy to meet us. Now totally blind she was thrilled as Miranda handed over a new pair of shoes . At 99 years young she is still as sharp as ever.
CAT will continue with food and basic medication assistance going forward but they do need new beds and mattresses x 3 , blankets and linen and new toilets . The shower areas could also do with fixing up. If you are in Mutare and think you may be able to assist please give the Mutare team a shout
